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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Another chromatic harmonica question
Another chromatic harmonica question
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14 posts
May 16, 2022
11:28 AM
Hello harmonica fellows!

I just got a new Super 64 chromatic harmonica. Beautiful sound and quality. Never had a 64 hole harmonica, so this is my first experience.

When I play the lower octave, specially in the first two holes, theres a ringing sound after the note ends. What is making this sound?

Thanks in advance.
3041 posts
May 16, 2022
9:33 PM
Isn't that just the reed continuing to vibrate?
3 posts
Dec 17, 2022
3:49 PM
Spam spam spam spam


Last Edited by nacoran on Dec 18, 2022 12:58 PM
2339 posts
Dec 18, 2022
9:56 AM
SPAM!!! Beware!

EDIT: Thanks, Nate!

Doug S.

Last Edited by dougharps on Dec 19, 2022 10:05 AM
97 posts
Jan 09, 2023
11:00 AM
Geez, what would someone/some thing expect to gain by spamming here?
It did sort of stand out describing that "64 hole harmonica" they are playing......what would that be like on stange? I guess you would need a second person 6' away to hold up the other end?
2343 posts
Jan 09, 2023
3:17 PM
Spam was from "redfoc", and was removed by "nacoran".

I believe "Norlo28" meant a 64 reed, 16 hole Hohner Super 64. the first octave in the first 4 holes is really low.

Doug S.
3100 posts
Jan 10, 2023
6:44 AM
I don’t know how spam works, but it must pay as well as playing harmonica!
1789 posts
Jan 13, 2023
9:17 AM
Long reeds will continue to vibrate for a short time after the air current stops. It's normal.
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