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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Hohner 365–any fans?
Hohner 365–any fans?
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3009 posts
Dec 27, 2021
8:21 PM
I’ve got a source for used 365 harps, repaired a handful for a guy, he sent me 5 more for my purposes, so I am retuning one (naturally).
Is anyone here interested in acquiring a custom? These would be tuned to your preference, with screwed reed plates and the option of either a custom comb or original comb but sealed. I think powder coated cover plates could also be an option.
Just want to find out who is interested before I get too deep, but I don’t think they make them any more.
Todd Parrott
1526 posts
Dec 27, 2021
9:11 PM
I might be interested, depending on the key.
3236 posts
Dec 28, 2021
10:50 AM
I may be interested as well.
10386 posts
Dec 28, 2021
1:49 PM
I've got a file for 3D printing their combs made by Michelle LeFree for me. I was trying to design a chord harmonica by stacking 4 365s with a sliding frame, but I couldn't get the frame designed.

If anyone wants the file I can share it free. I don't have a 3D printer. I'd planned on using the maker space at the local library but the pandemic has kind of put a damper on things. (I have 4 365s... I was going to get them retuned to do a chromatic run on one plate).

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First Post- May 8, 2009
3010 posts
Dec 28, 2021
5:58 PM
They are all in C!
I retuned one today to PentaBender, a tuning Roger Myerson came up with.
I have three in different keys, but they all start on G, except the latest, which starts on F#. Blow is the Pentatonic in D, draw is the pentatonic in E. Similar to Power Chromatic, but with an added hole (Power Chromatic omits the 2nd, so one in this key would be D6 blow, E6 draw.
I had to replace a bunch of reeds on the top end of the blow plate, even going so far as to make the slots longer. What a pain!
You can only make this work on a larger harp, a 10 hole only gives you two octaves.
Thanks for your replies, guys.

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