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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > When you son asks you to sit in
When you son asks you to sit in
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2089 posts
Dec 17, 2021
2:24 PM
It is nice when you can work with your kids rather than argue with them about music. My younger son (the bass player on the roof) is in a band that does an occasional video. He asked me to sit in on one and here is the result. My older son shot the video. The set piece is in my yard.

Last Edited by STME58 on Dec 17, 2021 2:30 PM
810 posts
Dec 18, 2021
8:22 AM
That's awesome that you were invited to participate in the tune. Your son did a great job with recording.

How does one exactly come to have a train in their yard?
Ridge's YouTube
2092 posts
Dec 18, 2021
12:07 PM
Ridge, I found this caboose in the parking lot of Taco Johns with a for sale sign on it.

Enough people ask your question that a few years back Trains magazine asked me to write this article.

Caboose Article
10382 posts
Dec 19, 2021
2:07 PM
Nice performance. Tasty playing. :)

There is a place near where I live where they have lovingly restored an engine over several years. When I was a kid there was a place I used to go that had a caboose you could go on.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
100 posts
Dec 26, 2021
4:42 PM

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