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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Recaptcha
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2817 posts
May 31, 2020
11:59 PM
Kudos to the technical department, I am not a robot but am grateful to the folks who have made it easier to post.
10268 posts
Jun 01, 2020
8:59 AM
Yeah, it's nice. I don't know if my prodding encouraged them at all. I did, ages ago, let them know that sites that weren't ADA compliant could be sued after an argument with them over the captcha's not being accessible for people with visual disabilities and they said they work on it, but there was an awful lot of lag time in between.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
ted burke
863 posts
Jun 01, 2020
11:04 AM
Much better.

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