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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > A progressive harmonica blues album - recommended!
A progressive harmonica blues album - recommended!
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1510 posts
Aug 13, 2019
6:47 AM
A SUPERB new album from Belarus - "Place 2 Be - Light in the Dark Room"
Tracks in French are my favourite. Vadim Mitko's harmonica playing is spot on, very tasteful, and modern. Highly recommend to check them out:




P.S. they can't register / login here, for unknown reasons, apparently Adam (or forum hosting) has banned their IP range.


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10158 posts
Aug 13, 2019
3:34 PM
Do you know if they can see the site? If they can see the site they should be able to register. We only screen for emails that look like spam. If they can't see the site at all, then their region is blocked. There are workarounds but they are a pain and a lot of people seem to give up halfway through the process. It involves us dealing with our hosts and getting their IP unblocked. If they have a dynamic IP that can be even tougher.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
ted burke
771 posts
Aug 13, 2019
4:21 PM
the harmonica player is a bit of alright, alright. really like the way he fits his licks into a unconventional progressions, unconventional for a blues harmonica stylist.
572 posts
Aug 13, 2019
10:34 PM
First time i've ever bought an 'album' on line.
This is great stuff.Man there are some clever players around these days.
76 posts
Aug 17, 2019
5:25 PM
Most excellent choice, thanks for hipping us to this cool music. It is a wonderful set of tracks and offer one a lot of interesting possibilities for playing along. I like the use of his low-keyed harps a lot, very tasteful all the way around.

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