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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Is our little icon missing?
Is our little icon missing?
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10107 posts
May 02, 2019
1:27 PM
I was looking and don't see our little MBH logo on any links to the site. Is it just me or is it missing. (The one we had the contest for... blanking on the name of what they are called!)

(We just switched to https maybe it got broken, but before I do a report I want to make sure it's not just me.)

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First Post- May 8, 2009
5931 posts
May 02, 2019
1:42 PM
I haven’t seen it since March 16. On my phone it was hijacked by Melbourne Airport. On my ‘favourites’ list I see the Melbourne Airports icon where MBH should be, and that’s been the case since I tried using their free wifi on March 16.
10108 posts
May 03, 2019
1:06 AM
Support says they see it. I'm still not seeing it. (remembered what it's called, it's a favicon).

If anyone else is having problems seeing it let me know. Maybe I can figure out what we have in common and troubleshoot it that way.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
5935 posts
May 03, 2019
1:13 AM
The thing I find odd is that even though my fav icon (really?) has changed to Melbourne airports, the link is still to this site
89 posts
May 03, 2019
9:05 AM
Not sure which icon you mean, but if it's a Bb harmonica with "Modern blues harmonica with Adam Gussow" written on it then yes I can see it.
1946 posts
May 03, 2019
10:52 AM
The MBH favicon is still in my bookmarks in my Firefox browser. No changes...

Doug S.
2 posts
May 03, 2019
11:32 AM
Can't see it here. If people are seeing different site's icons on this site tab, it means it's not there as well, and the browser wants to fill it up with whatever is cached.
1 post
May 03, 2019
2:07 PM
Looks like the problem is that the favicon reference in the header still says "http" while the rest of the site advanced to glorious https.

Note also that the REL="SHORTCUT ICON" clause is deprecated. Today's preferred syntax is rel="icon".

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