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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Best Harp Amps 2022
Best Harp Amps 2022
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Rob McNeilage
1 post
Mar 06, 2022
7:12 AM
I'm looking at getting my first Amp. The forum comments I have seen so far go back 8 to 10 years back, unless I'm missing something?
I see back then that the VHT Special 6 1x10 Combo
was highly recommended. ( Not the VHT Special 6 Ultra)
Is this still the case? I've also been looking at the Harp Gear 2 which seems to be roughly double the price but has a magic sound.

Last Edited by Rob McNeilage on Mar 06, 2022 9:23 PM
410 posts
Mar 11, 2022
5:50 PM
I’ve got a lone Wolf Harptrain 10 which I like, a Fender Superchamp XD Whitt a Lil Buddy speaker substitute which can get me through a moderately loud jam (15w tube amp) and a Quilter solid state amp for louder stages that can model to several classic sounds. I have played through a stage 5 amp and it has great sound but probably needs to be lined out at a jam. I don’t think Lone Wolf puts out the Harptrain anymore. You can pick up a used Fender Superchamp XD on eBay for around $300. The Quilter is probably up over $1,000. For that you might as well go with Harpgear. If you want to try a little DIY, I was happy to purchase a speaker cab, add my choice of speakers and add a Vox mv50 amp which has a mini tube pre amp circuit and gives great sound. Total investment under $600.

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