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35 posts
Jul 22, 2020
6:33 AM
Anybody using the BlueDadi Software. I'm thinking of buying a mic and audio interface to play about with it.

Anyone got any advice or sound samples if they've used it.
Do you know of any other free alternatives to the BlueDadi?


Forgot the link to it:

Last Edited by Dai on Jul 22, 2020 6:34 AM
6767 posts
Jul 22, 2020
3:20 PM
I think MTG had some experience with this. There was a pretty solid discussion about it on the main page.
6768 posts
Jul 22, 2020
3:31 PM
i didnt find the discussion i was thinking of but


36 posts
Jul 23, 2020
7:48 AM
Thanks for the links. Made a good read, not sure why such little take up from the members, given how useful this bit of kit is. Maybe I'm asking in the wrong forum. I might try Dave Barret's forum.
37 posts
Jul 23, 2020
12:20 PM

just for you guy's to get an idea.
5 posts
Jul 23, 2020
12:36 PM
Here is the link to BlueDadi on David Barrett's site:

6769 posts
Jul 24, 2020
1:34 AM
Regarding why it didn't generate more interest here, i can only comment from my own perch. For what i do it didn't seem very relevant. My interest is all directed toward practice for live performance. Any recording i do is for the sake of informing myself of how i'm sounding and for that i really want either my acoustic sound or aspects of my live sound particularly around mic-craft. I can obtain that from playing in free air or just with a basic tube amp sound. I have good separation from neighbours, an easy going, encouraging spouse, and several little tube amps.
38 posts
Jul 24, 2020
2:58 AM
@SuperBee I appreciate where you're coming from, I'm no where near being able to use amps and peddles as I'm still learning. Instead of spending boat loads of cash on amps, peddles, mics etc that I'm no where near doing justice to. This is a great alternative just to mess around with, at the moment just for shits and giggles.
All I need is a cheap coy of a sure 57 and a Beringer Audio Interface and shits and giggles begin.



I could get a real cheapy amp but I don't think it would have the flexibility and range of the BlueDadi without one or two peddles.

Last Edited by Dai on Jul 24, 2020 3:02 AM
6770 posts
Jul 24, 2020
4:52 AM
No doubt that’s so.

I think gear like this will continue to grow in popularity
1120 posts
Jul 30, 2020
3:42 PM
You could use an amp emulator software like amplitube.

Sorry for any misspell, english is not my first language.
40 posts
Aug 02, 2020
4:42 AM
Is there a free version of this.
639 posts
Aug 02, 2020
9:35 AM
I've experienced nothing but trouble with BlueDadi. I think it was a great bit of software at the time of its creation (2016), but that was four years ago. It's a lifetime, in terms of technology. The software is nearly unusable due to some outdated Java. I actually contacted John Shirley about this last week, and have yet to hear back. If I hear anything, I'll update. It's a shame! It seems like a good software, but I understand that he did this as a labor of love, so there's not much incentive for him to work on it.

Here's the essence of the problem, as I wrote it to John:
"Whenever I load up a backing track, the track will import successfully and the waveform appears. As soon as I try to play it or record or manipulate the track in any way, it disappears (but keeps the first 2.0 seconds of audio). I am unable to reload the track or do anything with the DAW part of the program.

"I know that someone has brought this to your attention before, on the bluesharmonica.com forum, but it seems they never followed up with you about this. I suspect, like you, that it is a Java issue. I’ve downloaded the most current version of the Java Development Kit and adjusted the pathways appropriately, but the error remains. I’m running Windows 10, 64 bit. Could the problem be that I’ve downloaded the 64 bit version of JDK?"

Marc Graci
YouTube Channel
640 posts
Aug 02, 2020
9:40 AM
Amplitube looks great. I see there's a free demo that comes with limited amps? This seems like something to try out. Anyone have experience with this software?
Marc Graci
YouTube Channel
1121 posts
Aug 03, 2020
5:32 AM

I used Amplitube to record this album:

There is no real amps in there, the guitar player also used amplitube.
Sorry for any misspell, english is not my first language.
41 posts
Aug 04, 2020
11:07 AM
@rogonzab sounds good. looking forward to giving the free version a try.
50 posts
Sep 09, 2020
5:17 AM
@rogonzab the audio interface and mic came this morning been having a play with it. Good so far. Not tried the BlueDadi yet, just the amplitube 4 which seems to work well.
1125 posts
Sep 10, 2020
5:35 AM
You got a nice toy to play whit!!!!
Sorry for any misspell, english is not my first language.
51 posts
Sep 10, 2020
7:15 AM
@rogonzab Done 4 presets so far, recorded them and made adjustments. Yes a very nice toy, much better than buying an amp to play around with.

Last Edited by Dai on Sep 10, 2020 11:50 AM

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