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Gapping Blow Reeds
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406 posts
Dec 06, 2018
4:39 PM
Seems like my blow reeds need to have their gaps adjusted more frequently than draw reeds. Is that typical? I think I'm a relatively soft player, but maybe less so on the blow? I haven't busted a reed in a few years.
Phil Pennington
5668 posts
Dec 06, 2018
9:35 PM
Do you mean in terms of maintenance you find your blow reeds need to be reset from time to time?

It’s not typical in my experience. I’ve seldom had to adjust a reed after getting it where I want it. Maybe during the process of resetting it I may have to go back a couple of times but once that’s done they seem to stay put for me.
407 posts
Dec 07, 2018
10:33 AM
Maybe it’s the resetting that’s given me this impression. I haven’t been plinking the blow reeds after doing an adjustment, as I generally don’t take the plate off the comb. Laziness might be contributing to the problem. I’ll go back and watch some videos.
Phil Pennington
5670 posts
Dec 07, 2018
8:15 PM
Yeah ok, that sounds about right. In that circumstance they probably are prone to reverting. It’s good if you can adjust with reedplate in situ, but sometimes especially on the blow side it’s difficult to see what’s going on and of course acan be confident the pitch has settled (in lieu of plinking to make it settle)
I’ve taken to tapping the reed with my brass reed-shaping tool in an effort to make it settle but I think ‘tooting’ works better. By ‘tooting’ in this context I mean a few short sharp percussive breaths designed to activate the reed briefly but to a fairly high degree.
408 posts
Dec 08, 2018
11:56 AM
I’ll try that. Thanks again.
Phil Pennington
5672 posts
Dec 08, 2018
12:39 PM
I seem to have incompletely edited the previous post before posting. I was thinking about tuning and the technique I use to get a blow reed to settle when tuning without removing the reedplate. It’s a bit garbled but somehow the gist seems to have come through

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