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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Overblow on 6 but ...
Overblow on 6 but ...
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71 posts
Feb 24, 2018
9:33 AM
the overblow on different holes do not work the way it should

Any Idea?

Last Edited by Frankie on Mar 19, 2018 3:10 AM
1676 posts
Feb 26, 2018
5:33 AM
4 and 5 overblow have a similar feel to get but aren't the same maybe try adjusting embouchure a little. Experiment. Keep practicing the 6 overblow too once you get really comfortable with it the others will come easier. It may be worth noting that it seems that many out of the box diatonics can overblow hole 6 without adjustment but could use some gap adjusting on 4 & 5 to get them to sound.



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