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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > 12 bars blues metronome app (Android)
12 bars blues metronome app (Android)
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1 post
Jan 08, 2018
11:31 AM

I am practicing keeping time, with changes and turnarounds, while improvising on a 12 bar blues pattern. Because I have some hard time counting and playing, I looked for an metronome app on the Internet that would not only give time, but would show where we are in the 12 bar blues sequence. Something that you, maybe, could program to follow the classic 12 bar blues pattern, so it would be telling you, on the screen, if you are now to play the 4-2-3-4 ou 9-2-3-4, and by the way also telling you if you should be on the I, IV or V chord...

I did not find. Does it exist? It should.
johan d
105 posts
Jan 09, 2018
1:33 AM

it is a small cost (blues styles are an in app purchase), but excatly what you are looking for and it has 99% more to offer... just type in or find a blues progession and you are good to go

Last Edited by johan d on Jan 09, 2018 1:37 AM

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