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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Howard Levy ArtistWorks?
Howard Levy ArtistWorks?
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47 posts
Dec 25, 2017
4:59 AM
ArtistWorks.com is running a pretty good promotion right now for 50% off on 6 month subscriptions to their website till tomorrow. It works out to about 90USD for 6 months and I'm quite tempted to go with it. Anyone have any experience with the site and Howard's teaching style (positive or negative)?

I've sort of reached a motivational plateau in my own playing and I've been thinking of taking lessons to reinvigorate my playing anyway, and if this is any good I'm happy to go for it.
13 posts
Dec 26, 2017
6:44 PM
It says: "Founding member of the Flecktones, Howard is the world's best diatonic harmonica player". That's a bold statement. If that's true, you should go for it.
2429 posts
Dec 26, 2017
8:29 PM
Howard is a great player for sure. Personally I have to learn at my own pace.

I would prefer to pay for one lesson at a time than a subscription. I fade in and out of doing "lessons" and things. To have to hit it hard to get my money's worth feels like school work to me.

So maybe consider if your the type of person that wants to buckle down or not.

Another site that I was lookin at joining is Sonic Junction. It has a few great teachers on there, but it seems to be mostly song lessons. Which I like, but if your looking for lessons on technique maybe not the best.

I highly suggest trying bluesharmonica.com
David Barrett site is killer. SO MUCH info it will Make your head spin. It's literally like harmonica college. Very thorough. And the best part is, you can get a month free with the code inside a Hohner box.

Matter of fact .... I might do another month over there.

Food for thought. 8^)>
48 posts
Dec 27, 2017
7:57 AM
Ha, Howard may not be the best diatonic player in the world but he's certainly up there at the top.

Killa, I used to be subscribed to bluesharmonica.com and the content is top notch, but I didn't have a lot of fun on the website and the study song format didn't really work for me. I was spending way too much time learning songs that I had no interest in just to make some progress.

Anyway, I took the plunge and bought the subscription. I watched a few videos, and Howard's teaching style is pretty much the opposite of David's. He is very light on detail (no tabs, no sheet music) compared to bluesharmonica.com. I will need to spend some more time with the lessons and the video exchange format to form a proper opinion on it. One thing I like is the breadth of music that Howard covers - some middle eastern, some mainstream western, some blues.
2432 posts
Dec 27, 2017
9:21 AM
I agree. David's style was much too heavy for me. I just jump around and pick out the good stuff ... lol.

I'm looking for some new 5 chord licks because mine are getting stale. David has a whole list of em. Need to go pick out another 1/2 dozen to run into the ground ... lol.

Let us know how you like the lessons. Shoot maybe ill check it out

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