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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Middle and upper octave, 3rd position Favorites?
Middle and upper octave, 3rd position Favorites?
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80 posts
Dec 12, 2017
7:22 AM
What are your third position Favorites? It makes my practice much more meaningful when I'm practicing something I enjoy, but my middle and upper octave need practice.

If you don't cut it while it's hot......
2422 posts
Dec 14, 2017
8:51 AM
One of my fav 3rd position favourites is Charlie Musselwhite's version of Help Me. The intro riff is in the lower octave, but the rip-snorting solo is up around the middle position, just into the upper third.

I don't think many people like this one as I do. It's not your standard blues harp schtick. I think that's why.
87 posts
Dec 14, 2017
7:36 PM
Very nice, just listened to it! Thanks MTG.
If you don't cut it while it's hot......

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