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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Harp repairs
Harp repairs
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7107 posts
Mar 17, 2024
10:39 PM
I stopped doing harp repairs a couple of years ago. Mainly because I had to surrender my workroom to accommodate a lodger.
I have the room back at long last, and I’m in the process of renovating it. I just decided to dip my toe back into the world of repairs to see what I think of it.
My main motivation for doing repairs is just to help people out.
One thing I had forgotten about is that sometimes people send truly nauseatingly filthy harps.

This is an appeal to folks who get their harps serviced; please have a shot at cleaning your harps before sending them for service. You may even find cleaning is all they need to be playable again.
I understand that some harps are challenging to take apart, and some people have physical challenges that might make it difficult to clean the harps. That’s different.
It’s not the case with the batch that’s just landed on my desk. In future I’ll remember to ask they be cleaned before sending.

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