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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Another chromatic question- Silver Shadow ?
Another chromatic question- Silver Shadow ?
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10 posts
Oct 24, 2023
2:39 PM
Beautiful harp with a nicely figured comb-10 hole Chromatic made in Germany with a black vinyl case

Seems like a 10 hole Chrominica with a figured wood comb
The one I found seems basically unplayed and sounds terrific

Didn't find anything in a google search or the Missen site

Anybody have one ? Or seen in their travels ?


Last Edited by Slickone on Oct 24, 2023 2:28 PM
3704 posts
Oct 25, 2023
8:23 AM
The last time I saw one of those Silver Shadow chromatics was back in the mid 1990's and they had parts made by Hohner as well as some parts made in China back then. In fact, most of the ones that I've seen were 12 and 16 hole models and they were basically being made with far less expensive parts in order to compete with Hering from Brazil, which at the time, were actually easier to play than most of the Hohners made at that time and for less money.
Barbeque Bob Maglinte
Boston, MA
CD available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bbmaglinte
11 posts
Oct 25, 2023
10:33 AM
Thanks Bob,
The one I got , just says made in Germany , looks just like Chromonica with a nicer comb
Sounds exactly like Chromonica as well

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