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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Announcing the Barrelhouse Blues Archives!
Announcing the Barrelhouse Blues Archives!
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10 posts
Mar 13, 2023
8:56 PM
Hello all,

For a number of years I had the pleasure of playing harp with a dear friend, pianist Barrelhouse Chuck. We lost Chuck in 2016 and I ended up being the curator/owner of his large collection of Chicago blues memorabilia.

I've named the collection the Barrelhouse Blues Archives. There are some great pieces in the collection related to blues harp, so I thought I would let folks here know about the archives. If you include the photos from Chuck's scrapbooks (don't miss seeing them if you're into Chicago blues), there are about 1,000 images in the archives. Check out the Big Walter microphone, the various photos/autographs of blues harp masters and all of the other posters, candid photos, blues business cards and other memorabilia.

The archives can be accessed through the website for my own little blues duo. We call ourselves the Tip Jar Stars. The archives are Google photo albums. Once you're at the site just scroll down and you'll find information about Barrelhouse Chuck and links to the collection. Hope you enjoy your visit!

Here is the link to the site:


Last Edited by chicagobluesman on Mar 13, 2023 9:45 PM
40 posts
Mar 14, 2023
12:25 PM
What an unbelievable collection. Thanks very much for organizing and sharing - must have been a huge amount of work.
11 posts
Mar 14, 2023
8:20 PM
Thanks for your kind post, Bluebird. Appreciate it.

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