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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > playing wearing a mask
playing wearing a mask
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407 posts
Jul 25, 2022
12:50 PM
Getting ready for an up coming gig requiring wearing mask.
So today was kind of a dressed rehearsal with the mask on.
Though I used to think I couldn't do it, this is actually my 3rd time playing out with it.
Curious if others are doing the same.
2316 posts
Jul 26, 2022
7:02 AM
How do you do it?

Is there any video of you playing in a mask?

I tried and failed doing this at home back when venues first reopened, but masks were required.

I would really like to see how anyone can play harmonica while wearing a mask. I would like to be able to play in a mask!

You can play guitar in a mask, you can even sing through a mask, but I could not figure out any way to play harmonica in a mask.

Please show us???

Doug S.
408 posts
Jul 26, 2022
11:01 AM
Okay, we have a practice today so I'll see if we can record a tune or two.
I slip the harp under the mask clench it in my mouth like a stick (or should I say a tin sandwich)
That leaves my hands free to tuck the mask over the harp a bit better.
It works with the surgical mask cuz they can move around esp when moving around through the scales.
It wouldn't work with the n95 style masks

Mostly it's not practical when you are using 2 harps and of course we love gigs that don't require a mask but the assisted living places are pretty strict, you log in on the computer when you arrive etc.

I use a bullet style mic and that I hold on the outside the mask in my hands like I would normally do.

I think I first got the concept here in the forums and finally worked on it to make it happen.

Good luck and I see if I can post something a bit later on.
409 posts
Jul 26, 2022
2:52 PM
Here is a little demo from a short while ago

Last Edited by Spderyak on Jul 26, 2022 2:55 PM
2317 posts
Jul 26, 2022
7:36 PM
Thank you very much!!!

Doug S.
Todd Parrott
1531 posts
Jul 27, 2022
8:59 AM
Oh, that's nothing. Darth Vader did this long ago with a neck rack AND a mask! :)

410 posts
Jul 27, 2022
10:01 AM
What ever

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