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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Great Blue Moon harp sound
Great Blue Moon harp sound
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2306 posts
May 06, 2022
8:47 AM
Check out the sound of this Blue Moon Harp.

1566 posts
May 11, 2022
6:38 AM
Some pretty soulful stuff. I feel your pain.
Tom Halchak
Blue Moon Harmonicas
Blue Moon Harmonicas
768 posts
May 13, 2022
8:55 AM
Soundin Good--yr playin fit the music-

So many times when harp players are playin in front of, or for other harp players, they throw to much in and it doesn't fit.

U played WITH the music and it sounded great'
2309 posts
Jun 07, 2022
7:38 AM
Thanks guys. Great Bluemoon harmonica and an old industry standard but new AKG c414 played about 4 inches off the mic using a modeled amp in garage band for a little crunch.

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