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Low harp question
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278 posts
Jan 18, 2021
8:42 PM
Of course, low keyed harps are more difficult to bend in the low octave than normal keys. Does custom reed work really make a difference on these low harp bends?

Music speaks where words fail.
51 posts
Jan 18, 2021
9:16 PM
I have a low Bb by Seydel and it has valves like a chromatic on the lower reeds.. It plays pretty good.
332 posts
Jan 19, 2021
5:47 AM
You can improve the bend response of the harp by gapping low as a start. I have a Low C Thunderbird that I did reed work on (reed arcing and slot embossing). Air consumptionand and bends are better than stock.

I bought a Seydel 1847 Low A (these are half-valved) and after gapping a bit, it has about the same air consumption and ease of bending as the modified Thunderbird. I was so pleased with it I bought two more, Low G and LowLow F.

LowLow F is pretty challenging and it may be the limit for my tongue-blocked embouchure. I have to switch to lip-blocking to get the second bend on the two hole.
1526 posts
Jan 20, 2021
9:41 AM
Custom reed work on low tuned harps absolutely makes a difference. I am sure that I am not the only customizer who is capable of doing this type of work, but I can make a low F as easy to play as an A harp or a Bb harp. Low Eb too. Low E and down are much more responsive but bending is a challenge.
Tom Halchak
Blue Moon Harmonicas
Blue Moon Harmonicas

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