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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > 432
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2895 posts
Sep 22, 2020
10:38 PM
Has anyone experimented with tuning harmonicas to 432 instead of 440?
I probably mean 435 LOL
6820 posts
Sep 23, 2020
12:09 AM
435, of course. Or maybe 434 if you're a gentle player.

I had a customer who experimented with coke. I mean, cleaning his harps by soaking in Cola. I think it was much the same result as tuning to 432/5. Maybe it was flat Cola. He certainly presented some very flat harps for me to work on. I really should've charged extra for that job.
1521 posts
Oct 01, 2020
1:22 PM
I have had a couple of customers have me tune sets of harmonicas to A-432 Hz. The logic behind it is that some consider A-432 Hz the "Healing Freqency". In theory, Mother Earth vibrates or resonates to 432 so tuning musical instruments this way makes the music more soothing.

I think that about half of the customers who I've done this work for are true beleivers, and the other half are just trying to be in tune with their bandmates who tune to 432.
Tom Halchak
Blue Moon Harmonicas
Blue Moon Harmonicas
2897 posts
Oct 01, 2020
2:52 PM
So Tom, I assume you tune them sharp?
And did you experience any benefits (I am 25% kidding).
1522 posts
Oct 01, 2020
4:43 PM
I am pretty sure I tuned them to Modern Compromise Temperament. That's my default tuning - unless otherwise requested by my customer.

Did I experience any benefits? I did notice that my nails and hair started growing much faster. And I seemed to have inner peace.
Tom Halchak
Blue Moon Harmonicas
Blue Moon Harmonicas

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