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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > What Dennis Gruenling told me
What Dennis Gruenling told me
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6814 posts
Sep 20, 2020
6:23 AM
Dennis told me a few things.
Thing 1: The List
Make a list of things you want to learn. Make one list ie not multiple lists which get scattered and go missing
Cross things off as you achieve them.
Do not work on more than two things at the same time.
107 posts
Sep 20, 2020
6:47 AM
Thanks for sharing that great advice.
261 posts
Sep 20, 2020
6:38 PM
Great advice.I need to make that list.

What Dennis told me:
Don't try to convert to TB all at once. Just incorporate it into your regular practice routine and work on it a little every day. I did exactly that, and within a few years was converted to 100% TB.
6816 posts
Sep 20, 2020
9:16 PM
This was in response to my proclivity for jumping to new topics. I have sometimes (!) spent long periods with little concrete progress to show for all the time I've put in. Kind of a Sisyphean thing.
The idea is that when I get a hot new idea, I add it to the list and keep on doing the current thing until I'm ready to cross it off.

Of course, I've made lists before. Sometimes I find them, on backs of envelopes doing service as bookmarks, or in various notebooks which have been tidied away or left in a briefcase or under a stack of books.

Last Edited by SuperBee on Sep 20, 2020 9:17 PM

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