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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Blues chromatic - recommended instruction?
Blues chromatic - recommended instruction?
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884 posts
Jun 16, 2020
2:41 AM
Getting into the chromatic at the moment, but yet to do anything particularly bluesy (and most of my listening has focused on the diatonic). Had a search for blues chromatic lessons, but any particular recommended channels?

2246 posts
Jun 16, 2020
4:47 AM
Try Ross Walters.
6695 posts
Jun 16, 2020
4:50 AM
I reckon have a look at Michael Rubin, who has been putting up a series of videos over the last few weeks. It looks as if they are not all up on YouTube though. I see the first 3. You can probably catch the other 30 on his Facebook page.

I followed along up to about 16 and will be watching the rest.

885 posts
Jun 16, 2020
5:29 AM
Thanks, both - will have a look.
225 posts
Jun 16, 2020
6:24 AM
If you are looking to do the 3rd position thing, Dave Barrett has a book for that. It’s a little basic but will give you everything you need to play good 3rd position blues. If you go to harptabs.com and search for “blues scale 12 positions” it will give you the blues scale in every key for the chrom.
886 posts
Jun 16, 2020
7:23 AM
Thanks, Sonvolt
636 posts
Jun 16, 2020
2:20 PM
If you're looking to do third position, Dave Barrett also has a full learning sequence planned out on bluesharmonica.com

He builds up your technique through a series of study songs. Last time I checked, there were five songs of increasing difficulty. They sound good, too.
Marc Graci
YouTube Channel

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