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Blues Harmonica from being Sheltered in Place
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ted burke
842 posts
Apr 05, 2020
3:13 PM
I think my playing might actually be improving a bit with all this sudden time to practice, ;)

97 posts
Apr 05, 2020
7:13 PM
That's great & sounding good, I'm exact opposite & now questioning my self. I thought I'd be practicing a lot but I haven't touched a harp or any instrument since the isolation started. I'm blaming it on not being able to play with the band seems with out the band I have absolutely no motivation to play. I go in my music room look at my gear move some stuff around & walk out. I know when this crap ends I'm & I'm sure my band mates aren't gonna be thrilled my playing. Oh well maybe your video will get me some inspiration thanks for posting it.
ted burke
846 posts
Apr 07, 2020
4:49 PM
Thanks for listening, Lou. I know your frustration.There are any number of things I like doing as a hobby, things I've gotten good at over a long time of stubborn attention to them, like playing harmonica, writing essays and poetry, photography, but lately there is a shroud over all things that bring me personal happiness and fulfillment, a combination of depression and anxiety that I cannot stop to wonder what the point of any that would be; at the end of the harmonica solo, the last paragraph of finely honed prose, the last stanza of lyric poem, the finishing touch on a well composed photograph, I remain alone and the depression and other bedevilments start making their sounds again. So I remain active, distracted if you will, and certainly, since I'm a sober alcoholic with a lot of years without a drink or a drug, participating in online AA meetings via Zoom. It helps. And so does playing harmonica , a godsend in my life among many other gifts and blessings.

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