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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > 20 Out of 10
20 Out of 10
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148 posts
Mar 17, 2020
2:30 PM

An early spring cycle ride through Blean Woods, close to my home in Canterbury, England. The tune title '20 out of 10' refers to the fact it uses all 20 natural notes available on a 10-hole diatonic harp. (Also because I thought this tune was good enough to deserve a score of 20 out of 10!). The harp is in PowerBlow Tuning, my standard harp tuning through the 1990s/early 2000s. Now I'd play this piece using PowerDraw Tuning.
1503 posts
Mar 18, 2020
7:09 AM
Very nice Brendan. Always a pleasure to listen to your mastery.
Tom Halchak
Blue Moon Harmonicas
Blue Moon Harmonicas

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