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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Rick Beato: Music Theory Everyone SHOULD KNOW
Rick Beato: Music Theory Everyone SHOULD KNOW
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2298 posts
Oct 20, 2019
10:35 PM
Music Theory Everyone SHOULD KNOW | Chords, Progressions and Keys

6216 posts
Oct 21, 2019
12:48 AM
Good. Thanks, Timeistight.
503 posts
Oct 21, 2019
9:01 AM
Very Informative--he explains well---forgot the capital roman vs small ---

I was always right IIm ----- ii is much easier to follow

just bought his book thanks again

Last Edited by snowman on Oct 21, 2019 9:01 AM
504 posts
Oct 21, 2019
9:26 AM
My past guitar instructor told me about

FCGDAE--pronounced FZ-ga-day and
BEADGC pronounced BEAD Gus

I knew if there are 3 sharps in staff then FCG
the last sharp in staff is the major 7 of key your in ------G# is major 7 of A hence key A

for flats its 4 flats in staff "bead" the second to last flat tells u key ---for bead its A

He just put it together with how it applies to circle fifths

he just cleared a bunch of stuff up

I realize a lot of harp players think theory is for the birds---but when u apply it with a bunch of practice---

it helps break the Stigma:
Oh god another harp player

When sitting in I ask what the chords are---they always look at me like "what do u care"

then I ask is it major minor any sharp 5 turn arounds--- any 625 --- sometimes they don't know ----they only know what chord it is but it lets them know I care and want to be;
"part of"
"rathur than a distraction
Thank u -thank u -thank u
505 posts
Oct 21, 2019
10:09 AM
The E book is really really good and easy to follow

thanks again

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