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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Can I use this transformer in mi mic?
Can I use this transformer in mi mic?
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1105 posts
Jul 28, 2019
4:51 PM

It says:

1300 : 8 Ohm Audio Transformer.

I want to raise the output of a generic dynamic element (600 ohms) to push it into Hi-z territory.

It will work? will it make my low-z element a Hi-z one?

I don't live in the USA, and over here Aliexpress is my best option for an affordable solution for my affordable issue.
(I don't want to expend to much money in this project)

Sorry for any misspell, english is not my first language.
2608 posts
Jul 29, 2019
4:30 AM
It looks like an output transformer that goes between a transistor amp and a speaker, so not the right kind of thing.

That said you could try it and might get some weird result.
950 posts
Aug 04, 2019
11:18 AM
Why not use a line matching transformer?
1996 posts
Aug 05, 2019
10:41 AM

Harpaholic, YES!

Keep it Simple!

Doug S.

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