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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Embossing microscope (3D printed)
Embossing microscope (3D printed)
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7 posts
Dec 10, 2023
12:15 PM
Yes I know many of you can set up the harp really well using just the naked eye. I cannot (and yes, I tried hard) so I 3D-printed my
Embossing Microscope!
3142 posts
Dec 11, 2023
3:00 PM
Dry cool and thanks for sharing!
8 posts
Dec 12, 2023
3:23 AM
Thanks Gary! If anybody would like to make something similar, I am happy to share what I learned.
Also, the pictures on Printables show a particularly bad harp (one from a box of 6 sold for a price of one decent harp) but I can picture better ones (and I can mind to focus better). So far I partially set up a Special 20 in A and I am extremely pleased with the result - I can go from 5 blow to 4 overblow in a very smooth glide, I would not believe this is possible. I have a long row of my harps to do - Crossovers, MBDs, Lee Oscar, even Suzuki Fabulous - If anybody is interested in detailed pictures, I can snapshot these.

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