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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Easttop covers
Easttop covers
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63 posts
Feb 21, 2018
6:55 AM
I have a couple of Easttop 008K harps I've been using and really like the sound I've been getting with them . The problem I have with them is with the covers . They seem to flex while holding them cupped with my mic . On one of them I tweaked the mounting ears a bit and it doesn't seem as " spongy " but still doesn't feel solid . The other harp's covers never got any better no matter how I adjusted them . Just happened to have a Fender Blues DeVille that recently broke a reed ( First harp I ever bought , three years ago ) so I swapped out the covers - problem solved . It now feels nice and solid even when really clamping down on it . What I'm wondering is if there are any other good covers that will fit the Easttop harps . Haven't checked on the availability or price of the Fender covers yet .

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