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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > clear single notes
clear single notes
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Shotgun Johnny Ringo
1 post
Jan 28, 2018
9:51 PM
First-time caller, long-time listener with a quick question: Do you have "perfect aim" or at least "near-perfect aim on your single notes?
2466 posts
Jan 29, 2018
1:29 AM
That's the idea, yes. That includes both playing clear notes and leaking in the right amount of other notes to give a bluesy edge to the timbre. That's supposed to be intentional, not accidental.

Because of the nature of the diatonic harp played for blues, you can get away without this precision because the 'sloppy' notes played in 2nd position typically aren't actually wrong. But that's faking it and soon becomes tiresome. Also as soon as you use other positions it's not quite so forgiving.

Last Edited by MindTheGap on Jan 29, 2018 1:29 AM
Shotgun Johnny Ringo
2 posts
Jan 29, 2018
11:13 AM
Thank you, MindTheGap, for taking time to answer an obvious beginner. You make perfect sense.

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