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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Be Ye Encouraged
Be Ye Encouraged
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567 posts
Jun 25, 2017
5:13 AM
My band played out last night. We were part of a small variety show and did 2 short sets. It was a good time. Durring the sound check, the house band liked what I was doing on the harp, and asked me to sit in with them on their closing number for the night. I knew the song so said I would. Everyone, my guys, the house band and the audience enjoyed it. So here's my point.

According to the Gussow scale, I'm an advanced intermediate. And I'm fine with that. No aspirations or delusions of becoming a touring pro or even a regional heavy hitter. I know my place as a side man, and practice good citizenship on the stage. I can pretty much hold my own, but know that I have a LOT of areas to work on and thus know when to lay out on a song.

I suspect a lot of us here on the beginners forum are in the same boat. Not a pro or top regional level player, but good enough to get up on stage, or sit in with a group just jamming on the porch. And I want to encourage you if you're holding back, thinking you're not good enough yet. You know what? Yet never comes. Do it now.

It's easy for us to get into an unhealthy comparison with some of the folks on the main forum page. I know I do at times. So I wanted to encourage you to just get out there and share what you can do. And above all, allow yourself to have a good time. As Michael Rubin says, “Music is not a competition. And your music is valid.”.

Now go get 'em.

I'm workin on it. I'm workin on it.
328 posts
Jun 25, 2017
5:54 AM
Have to agree. I'm maybe an Stage 1 advanced-intermediate (how thinly can this be sliced?) and have been up on different stages to play different kinds of music, tho mostly blues, several times over the past few years. It's a struggle each time to overcome the am I good enough question. When I do, it's inevitably a great good time and worth the angst. At least where I play, people are great and want everyone to have a good time. Two key things you wrote...know you place as a side man and be a good citizen on stage. Courtesy and a little modesty are virtues for advanced intermediates.
Phil Pennington
2279 posts
Jun 26, 2017
2:15 AM
Good thoughts, thank you.

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