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Can anyone give me tips on my harmonica problems
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1 post
Jun 15, 2017
3:00 PM
Ok so after typing this I realised this is just extremely extremely too long so uh if you read like a few paragraphs it will say what I want help with but I wrote way to much

Hello I'm new to harmonicas I got my cheap swan one for £5 and obviously I'm a noob but to me it sounds good or normal lol it's a letter c harmonica.

Only troubles I have with it is reallly high nots and lowest note only sucking in but can play blowing but that's just rather how I'm playing because even tho the harmonica was cheap it sounds good but yeah I've never heard a good one

Ok so here's what I need help with now this is going to sound like common sense but well idk there's no videos and just asking if there's any tips on so what my troubles are and yeah I've only had it for 4 days and I can play Jurassic park , hardly titanic just the bit and Game of thrones and Star Wars

Yeah I learned them already I'm good at remembering a lot so I'm good at remembering notes however as I said it's gonna sound common sense but I need help On

1 mouth lip position ok so when I watch people they put there whole mouth and lips over the whole body of the harmonica then some vids say only like a kissing or whistle point lips so what is the proper mouth shape and this also blends into this second problem and it is

EVERY time I play anything at all I just don't get it like I cannot CANNOT go from 4 to 3 with keep getting 2 notes and as I said I think it's also because I don't know the right mouth position plus here the other thing Howwww Howe is it actully possible to remember where the numbers are without looking I mean what ,,,

One song I Play goes from 9 to 4 come on that's not possible I mean there's no videos on idk training ? but I just go by luck if I hit the notes I just don't get it

So basically it just like everything I can't play guitar can't play nothing I can play keyboard but uhh I can't seem to learn nothing in my life literally I know people say practise ugh it's not possible if so what training is there to help me go from 9 to 4 everyone I mean just how

But yeah I can get a single notes but as sooon as I change even one note along I just can't it messes up so what can I do to remember notes it's really not possible to go form 9 to 4 without looking unless u have hand eyes or blow every note but that wreck the song but if I can get that rift switching even 1 notes without blending notes I'll be good but it ain't gonna happen .

Also another thing everyone can't do is bend like I can't do this thing where uh I blow and can make the sound like how to explain uh wiggle ? Like say play letter 4 I can make it do like a wiggle noise but cannnnnot hold it or bend I've tried moving my toungh everywhere and moving jaw so idk but can make it like best way I can say is I can wiggle the noise but cannot hold or change pitch

But yeah it's one of those I'm gonna have to do a guitar and give up yeah I've only had t for 3 days but can anyone actually give me training or something how can I practise going from like 9to 4 or eve 4 to 5 WITHOUT blending a note in

Also mouth position I kinda don't know as do you put the harmonica push it tight into your lips or hold it lightly do you have your lip in a point or but your whole mouth over it but then if I do that the sandwich way I can't et a single note at all so yeah

This is like kinda stupid to ask but I can't find videos to help me hit notes without getting another note in no matter how smal pointy my lips or mouth hole is I always end up blending and then I hit wrong notes sonyeab
5 posts
Jun 15, 2017
3:39 PM
Get a better Harmonica, like a hohner Marine Band or maybe one of the Hohner MS series or maybe a special 20, but it dosn't have to be a hohner just a better harmonica, then Check out the beginners guide on this forum. but first check out this youtube video. It's the one that got me.

Last Edited by EddieBlz on Jun 15, 2017 3:40 PM
2388 posts
Jun 15, 2017
7:36 PM
It's just gping to take practice. You ve only been at it for 4 days. I recommend doing as Eddie suggests and getting a special 20. It will help alot to have a harp that plays well.

Sorry there isn't a magic answer.
However I think this video series might help with a few things

Harmonica Basics: 1-20 (Beginner Harmonica Lessons):


Seriously though ... it'should all muscle memory. And the ONLY way to get that is practice.

Think about it ... how do you throw a ball accurately? How do you write your name? Anything you do takes practice. Just keep the harp in your mouth and keep playing.

Big jumps .. like 9 to 4 are WAY ahead of where you should be right now. I think your getting so frustrated because your trying to run before you can walk. Try playing simpler things.

Check out the raw beginner thread. It has some good stuff at the top.

Last Edited by Killa_Hertz on Jun 15, 2017 7:43 PM
4741 posts
Jun 16, 2017
4:38 PM
Ah, funny, reminds me of my kids, and me when I was young.
I actually remember thinking it's impossible to play a harmonica despite the evidence of people doing it.
My boy was the same about bicycles. He told me he fully believed it was not possible to ride one. I said but we saw people riding on our street every day. He knew that but it didn't change his view.
That's politics I guess!

Yeah wolf Mitch it's all true, skipping from one hole to another takes a while. Just get the hang of playing one hole on its own at first. Then sort out moving from one hole to the one next to it. You can't learn to do it all at once.

Don't worry about jumping octaves and bending until you can play clean moves from one hole to the next. It's progressive. You need to build skills and get control of your muscles. Like weightlifting or whatever. You're using muscles inside your head that you probably never used quite like that before. It's kinda like learning to talk. You start off with mumma. Reciting fox in sox comes later.
2 posts
Jun 16, 2017
5:09 PM
Hello everyone thanks for replying to this and giving me help like videos and advice

I am practising everyday I just play

Game of thrones

Jurassic park

And Star Wars to practise my single holes the harmonica seems very easy to play songs as the tabs are like easy one hole at a time and seems very easy to learn songs however I bet I ain't saw tabs what idk but I bet there's Ines with cords and stuff but still the single hole songs seems easy but not getting from one note to another that's the hard thing if I could see it all the time damn it would be the easiest thing to play lol

But yeah it seems strange like Jurassic park goes to 4 to 6 but I can do it but I kinda guess but most of the time i get it right so yeah maybe it's just that feeling I need to remember the notes is it ?

Kinda like a guess where the home number is by instinct and most time you'll get it right that's how it is for me anyway but what do I do I end up blowing on more than 1 hole lol

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