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Hitting the blue third
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2135 posts
Feb 16, 2017
6:36 AM
SkullKid - this is a good reminder of what the Beginner's Forum is all about, we can go round and round in circles and fret at a thing without the grown ups telling us to shut up.

This morning I was practising with a keyboard, going between minor and major third, so it's a good prompt.

+1 for 'the trill is gone'. I guarantee that will be pop into my head whenever we play that song now.

Killa - I downloaded Bendometer to a PC, and it allowed me to run it before paying, but with a nagging screen that pop ups every minute or so. Just enough to try it. It's good actually. I know you don't have a PC.

Last Edited by MindTheGap on Feb 16, 2017 6:55 AM
2136 posts
Feb 16, 2017
6:36 AM
SkullKid - this is a good reminder of what the Beginner's Forum is all about, we can go round and round in circles and fret at a thing without the grown ups telling us to shut up.

This morning I was practising with a keyboard, going between minor and major third, so it's a good prompt. I'm still going to play mine starting flat though.

+1 for 'the trill is gone'. I guarantee that will be pop into my head whenever we play that song now.

Killa - I guess the mobile and desktop ones are different then. I downloaded Bendometer to a PC, and it allowed me to run it before paying, but with a nagging screen that pops up every minute or so. Just enough to try it. It's good actually.

Last Edited by MindTheGap on Feb 16, 2017 6:54 AM
42 posts
Feb 16, 2017
6:54 AM
Skull- I'm sure there are many, like myself, who've been enjoying this thread! Thank you!
If you don't cut it while it's hot......
2137 posts
Feb 16, 2017
6:58 AM
...I had a quick look at that other Adam video, and yes he's addressing your pitch problem directly. He says: start on the minor 3rd and let it rise up slightly.

That's what I said! Great minds...

When he's practising it he stops, 'ooh too flat'. so there you go. Doesn't mean what he's playing is wrong musically, just means it's not formally the blue third. If you want to name the parts.

Last Edited by MindTheGap on Feb 16, 2017 7:01 AM
31 posts
Feb 17, 2017
4:22 AM
Hey Folks, quick update on my progress:
Now that my ear knows what the blue third is and since I've seen it on the bendometer (in the upper region of Bb and slightly slipping into B at the end of the note, as Adam describes in the video), I have no problems whatsoever to hit it, even in riffs. In fact, as K_H suggested, I find it quite intuitive and even much easier to hit than some of the (other) bends. :)
P.S: Yes, MTG! I find that video much more instructive than the ones about the blue third specifically!

@ Havoc: Thank you for your kind words and you're welcome! :)

Last Edited by SkullKid on Feb 17, 2017 4:30 AM
372 posts
Feb 17, 2017
7:11 AM
I'd simplify this a bit (since I really don't speak music and am rather low-tech).

Go to "The Store" on this site and and buy Adam's lesson on "Bending the Three Draw." A lot of the exercises center of the blue third. Listen to the vid, and then practice incessantly from the tabs. You'll get it, though (as with all things harp) patience is a virtue. You'll see results, but not overnight.

AG's "bending the 2" and "bending the 4" are equally valuable. I still go back to them frequently in practice sessions. Those three sheets of inexpensive tabs make a great warm-up even after you can hit all the bends consistently.

Last Edited by Rontana on Feb 17, 2017 7:14 AM
2231 posts
Feb 19, 2017
5:05 PM
Great! I'm glad your starting to get it Skull kid. Does all that "active, but not bending," stuff make sense now? It's kind of like your tongue is just dragging dead weight on the note.

Its always so hard to describe a technique to someone who doesn't get it yet. But the moment you do .... All the advice makes sense.

I didn't forget about the growl video. Or the Vox video. I just procrastinate too much.

Glad you got it working bro.
36 posts
Feb 20, 2017
1:26 AM
Well, it makes some sense, but what makes even more sense to me now is the claim that the bend happens with a little pressure in your jaw and in the very front of your mouth and not in the back like with the other bends. Due to that, I find the blue third extremely intuitive to play now. :)
40 posts
Feb 27, 2017
7:26 AM
Hey Folks, quick update on the blue third and the trill!
So I asked Tomlin the following about his video:

"Hey Tomlin, thanks for the video. I was wondering: Most of the time when you play the blue third, it comes with that trilling / growling sound (e.g. in the first four seconds of the video). Is that part of the blue third or is it an extra effect that you add somehow? I am confused :x. Also: I checked the note you played with a bendometer and it is somewhere between the Bb and the A. But is the blue third not a 1/4 step bend (between B and Bb)? I don't get it, please help. :(?"

A few hours ago, he replied the following, which hopefully puts the trill question to rest:

"hiya, the growl is an extra effect. My bend is not in tune in this video, you are correct - I've been practicing since this ;-). You are correct the Blue third should be between B and Bb.?"

Thanks again for all your help, this thread has been great!
2250 posts
Feb 27, 2017
10:00 AM
Yea, see ... that growl is like a softer version of a fake snore. It sounds"ok" when playing acoustic, but sounds really great when playing amplified. I use it on the 2" draw bend sometimes and it really adds a good punch.

I still haven't forgot about the video.

This is kind of a good lesson though. You have to take more than one angle or more than one word of advice on Everything you learn. I would have bet Tomlin and especially Adam were doing it correctly. But they are both off. So if you were using their videos as a reference for what it sounds like.... you would be doing it wrong.

Just saying. There's a lot of people FAR less skilled than either of them, that just shoot their mouth off with advice. Always do your research. I try to never give inaccurate advice or talk about something if I'm unsure, but ... that doesn't mean I don't relay improper information. As much as I might try.

Glad you got your answer SkullKid.
2182 posts
Feb 27, 2017
10:11 AM
Yes, excellent outcome. Thanks for posting the result. Tomlin had gone up a notch further in my estimation, and he was pretty high before.

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