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Harmonica Tools
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1680 posts
Aug 02, 2016
9:50 AM
Gee. Im glad i wasnt paying attention while this conversation was going on, i may have told you to buy it. Lol.

I bought this a month or so after i started tinkering with harps. The only things i could find online were some minor gapping videos and such.

The major thing i got out of this video was how to shape reeds. No one else has a video that shows camera angles in that way. Nor do they show you how to offset the root like that. So that did wonders for my setup skills.

There were a few little things in that video that helped out alot.

But i never checked out tinus site, so .... i can see why someone more experienced than i was at the time, would be disappointed. But as you see, Richard is an awesome guy.

I recommend this to people all the time. Because so many people haven't a clue when it comes to any of this stuff. And i feel like it covers alot of the bases. I also send alot of people to Andrews blog page.

For the price of a marine band, i didn't think it was that bad.

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