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Getting a percussive chug
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6 posts
Jun 22, 2016
10:01 PM
Was listening to David Barrett playing an example of a chug (video behind a paywall, sorry) that was so percussive I thought for a moment that he was "harmonica boxing". Any advice for getting a solid beat (e.g., like a drum) out of a chug?

I only use TB, if that has any bearing...I can pop my tongue on the roof of my mouth to make draw chords "tick" but not much luck on blow chords.
3885 posts
Jun 22, 2016
11:18 PM
Try practice without harmonica. I'm not quite sure of the video but was it like a pedestrian beat, like 1/8th notes, maybe a little swung?
What did Dave advocate? Pulls and slaps, or something more?
Was he in and out on alternative beats? Like (in) 1 and (out) 2 and (in) 3 and (out) 4 and?
You can practice with or without harmonica, but without, if you can tap on the roof of your mouth, just try moving that forward so your touching on the back of your teeth. I was gonna say the back of your top teeth, but why stop there. You can anchor the tip of your tongue at the back of your bottom teeth.
And just do this as an in out exercise. Just begin with a gentle plosive 't' . if your struggling with doing it on the out breath, this might help. Try doing it softly enough that the person at the next desk might not notice you are being weird.
It seems pretty normal to me. I may have forgotten how strange it is
1626 posts
Jun 23, 2016
3:09 AM
Can you tell me what the video was called?
I've been meaning to give bluesharmonica.com another (4th) go. So maybe i can tell you. Can you find another sound sample like it somewhere else? Is it a tongue slap? Or is he maybe using a "K'aw" wuth am accent on the K. Kindof close your throat and build up a pressure, then breath out wuth a K sound. Almost as if your coughing.

As far as having a problem with the "tick" on the oubreath. You have to slightly change your vowels from draw to blow. For instance draw sylables can be more... clear? .. im not sure how to describe it.

But basically if your using a 'tick' on the inbreath. Try more of a "Took" on the oubreath.
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7 posts
Jun 23, 2016
3:40 PM
Thanks,as always, for the great advice.

Well, I somehow missed the link directly below Mr. Barrett's chugging example that had a seven minute video on articulation... He was using a 'ts' sound on the exhale to get the nice snare effect.

Mr. Hz, here is a link to the video I first mentioned

3887 posts
Jun 23, 2016
3:57 PM
Cool. I watched some of his video in the series last night to see if I could guess which one you'd seen...and I was thinking...but david is explaining every aspect of what he is doing...
1631 posts
Jun 23, 2016
4:57 PM
Glad you got it figured out. Ill check it out when i sign back up.

I figured it must have been a change in articulating the out breath differently

Lmao ...Mr.Hz .. nice. 8^)
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8 posts
Jun 23, 2016
5:09 PM
Mr. Bee, Yeah...I was pretty embarrassed when I discovered that moving my cursor a quarter inch would have answered my question :)

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