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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Tombo Aero Reed
Tombo Aero Reed
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47 posts
Jun 21, 2016
6:36 AM
I was doing a little shopping on the " Evil Place " and ran across listings for Tombo Aero Reed harmonicas . Anyone tried them yet ? Aluminum combs and extra thick reed plates for $50 to $60 . They are sandwich style which is not my preference , though from the pictures they might be more comfortable to play than other " sammich " harps I've tried . Love to hear some input
129 posts
Jun 25, 2016
10:50 AM
I seem to remember Someone somewhere saying it was his favorite harp but played others because he couldn't find them any more.

Last Edited by Crawforde on Jun 25, 2016 10:50 AM

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