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No bends available
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20 posts
May 14, 2016
6:35 PM
I was checking out overblow.com and I noticed that the 5, 7,8,9 and 10 hole draws had no bend notes available. Does that mean those notes can't be bent?

Thanks for answering my many questions.
3727 posts
May 14, 2016
6:59 PM
Yeah, the draw bends work like a compromise of the two reeds in the hole. So the potential for a bend is dependent on the difference between the two reeds.
This isn't quite how it works physically but it's a useful thought.
Assuming a C harp:
Holes 1-6 the draw note is higher than the blow note. 1 draw is D, 1 blow is C. You can bend 1 draw between D and C, about halfway...a bit more actually but the note to aim at is Db
In the second hole the difference is bigger between 2 blow and 2 draw. E to G, and you can bend to F# and also to F. You can get a bit flatter than F too, maybe half way between F and E.
In the 3hole it's bigger again. You can bend the 3 draw B to Bb, A, Ab. Then in 4 it's the same as the 1 hole.
But in the 5 hole, 5 blow is E and 5 draw is F. There is no actual standard note between those 2, so no 'real' bend. You can still flatten the draw note with s bending approach but it's not s 'real' note that you'd find on the piano.
With 7 8 9 10...it's different.
For a start, the blow note is lower than the draw note, so you can't bend the draw note in between. You can bend the blow note down towards the draw note. But 7 is like 5, there's no in between note. 8 blow though can be bent from E to Eb, and it's the only place on the harp you can get this note (apart from over-bending which is related but different technique). 9 blow will bend from G to F#. And 10 blow will bend to B and Bb because 10 draw is A and 10 blow is C.

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