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beginner forum: for novice and developing blues harp players > Sonny Boy is to Blame
Sonny Boy is to Blame
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685 posts
Mar 02, 2016
5:11 PM
When i first started playing, and up until about 2 months ago, i played with a very thin nasally tone. With my tongue very forward in my mouth.

At first it didn't really sound off. Actually it even sounded good to me.

I was just watching one of Adams tradebit videos. Looking for inspiration for the video for the site. The contest vid. And i was watching his sonny boy lesson vid, in which adam says something like, sonny boy was known to thin out his sound .... you can do this by pushing your tongue to the front of your mouth. And i thought ... wow, at the beggining i listened almost exclusively to sonny boy II. Day in and day out ... sonny boy.

So i wonder if my thin tone was simply a result of emulating Sonny Boy and it only started to sound bad when i started hearing different players tones?

I noticed it sounding a lil off after a while. But i think until hearing one of buddahs videos, where his tone was just phenomenal, did i really get the thick tone sound in my head. After that moment my tone just sounded super nasally and weak. That's when i really started working on it.

But anyways i just thought that was interesting. Maybe it was Sonny Boys fault all along. .... 8^)>

Edit: Just incase is not clear...... Im joking ... Ofcourse.
"Trust Those Who Seek The Truth. Doubt Those Who Say They Have Found It."

Last Edited by Killa_Hertz on Mar 03, 2016 9:42 AM

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