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Your ONE favourite thing about the harp
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117 posts
Oct 20, 2015
4:09 PM
Ok... Simple question.

If you had to name ONE reason why you love the harp, what would it be?

Just one... The most important aspect...
118 posts
Oct 20, 2015
4:10 PM
So, for me, as pragmatic as an answer as it might be I'd go for 'portability'. Its allowed me to play and practice all over the world and without that I don't think I would have been able to either progress as quickly or have committed to it so strongly.
157 posts
Oct 20, 2015
4:32 PM
Dang it... This is like Family Fortunes - you've already given the top answer. :)

I would say the next best thing for me was how easy it was to get started. It can take a lifetime to master, but you can make a nice rhythm pretty much straight away. Few other instruments can make that claim.

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119 posts
Oct 20, 2015
4:36 PM
@harmlessonica Hey, nothing stopping you having the same answer. But I like your backup :) it's true, it's got an fast initial learning curve out of the box which allows it to take hold pretty hard.

Last Edited by Ian on Oct 20, 2015 4:38 PM
722 posts
Oct 20, 2015
10:52 PM
The sound of amplified harp.

I've learned to enjoy and appreciate acoustic harp, but that came later. What drew me in, and still gives max gut response, is the amped sound. Same, actually, with acoustic vs electric guitar. However, I soon found it took a lot longer to unlock the amped harp sound that it does the electric guitar sound.

Last Edited by MindTheGap on Oct 20, 2015 11:08 PM
Glass Harp Full
57 posts
Oct 21, 2015
5:15 AM
The sound. It can be wailing, mournful, lonesome, cheerful, bright etc. etc. in a way other instruments can't.

There's also a "directness" about playing the harp that I like. Years ago I tried to learn guitar and found it quite challenging to coordinate what was in my head with the movement of my fingers. With harp I find it much easier, as though the message doesn't have to travel as far from my head or the pathway between knowing the sound I want to make and physically making it isn't as complicated.

I hope that makes sense.
jason campbell
52 posts
Oct 21, 2015
5:41 AM
I always said I'm a blues fan first, and a harp player secondarily. I know that's backwards for most of you. But the real reason I play is that it's the only instrument I can play that would let me participate in the blues music I love so much.
205 posts
Oct 21, 2015
8:14 AM
Easy. . . . because I can actually play stuff on it that sounds vaguely musical, and that makes me happy.

Been doing it enthusiastically for a year, and harp is the only musical thing I've ever tried (and I've tried a bunch) where I actually see and feel substantial progress.

Tried guitar for 20 years and never got very far past the "well that pretty much sucked" phase (never could play a barre chord no matter how many years I practiced at it)
428 posts
Oct 21, 2015
6:42 PM
THE 1 thing in 2 parts. Both mentioned already. Portability and versatility. You can put it in your pocket, hang it from your key chain carabiner, etc, and practice any where when you have time. Even while driving. And you can use it most any kind of music. My musical tastes are quite varied. So I don't have to be pigeon holed into one style/genre.

I'm workin on it. I'm workin on it.

Edited for spelling.

Last Edited by 2chops on Oct 21, 2015 6:43 PM
20 posts
Oct 21, 2015
6:56 PM
Learning the harp is my first real attempt at playing a musical instrument (if you don't count the radio, which I played quite well, thank you). The thing I like most is it got me involved in blues, an art form I didn't fully appreciate until now.
3 posts
Oct 24, 2015
6:27 AM
I would have to say my ONE thing about the Harp is that extremely expressive, almost vocal, moaning quality you can get from it. Amplify that sound and it just rises above everything else and has such a powerful presence for such a tiny instrument.
1104 posts
Apr 19, 2016
7:59 AM
I second Mark N's response.

The fact that it is small and portable is probably the reason I got as far as I did. With guitar and other instruments, you have to wait till you get home and have enough time to play. But with the harp, any time you have a free second, you can just whip it out n play it.

Also I like the fact that its not Hugely popular like the guitar or other instruments. Meaning, not alot of people know how to play it. Or play it well that is. Where as guitar Everyone "thinks" they can play.

But My #1 reason for loving the harmonica is the Expressiveness. I feel like its the only instrument you can really dump your guts into. Whatever your feeling you can express through the harmonica. Think of the 20 basic reed sounds. That's all the harp is, on paper. But you can take it n shape it and bend it and really make it Cry, Talk, Scream, Whatever.

The Little Nuances that make up the complex sounds that can come out of this little underrated beauty are Incredible. It blows my mind sometimes. And often blows other peoples minds when I show them. Not only my limited skills, but when I show people a Jason Ricci Song, A Little Walter Song, SBW II, Kim Wilson, COtton, you name it. It Blows their minds. You can see the face of "Oh you play the Harmonica?" .. turn into " OOOHH SHIT .. You PLAY the Hell outta that Harmonica!!!" or "How Can that guy get that sound outta that thing?" People don't often know about the amplified harp sound or even the complex sounds you can get acoustically

Its the coolest thing ever. Turning people on to, not only a new instrument, but also to new Artists and styles of music.
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