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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > What's the story on Dabell's Story
What's the story on Dabell's Story
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4 posts
Sep 17, 2023
8:11 AM
It's been out for a few years but you don't hear much. What your opinion?
1796 posts
Sep 17, 2023
6:30 PM
Good harps. There's plenty of mention on Facebook groups.

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10423 posts
Sep 18, 2023
12:38 PM
I concur with Winslow. I've got one. It plays real nice. I don't use it a lot, but only because it's in an odd key (picked up a deal for a Story and Noble from Ron's. I don't remember which was which. They were both good harps. I know one is a LF#.)

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First Post- May 8, 2009
49 posts
Jan 01, 2024
10:03 AM
I enjoy my set of "Contenders". As all do needed some work out of the box but really great, comfortable, and responsive. My only criticism is a little thick for my comfort but not bad at all.

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