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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > July 6, 7, & 8 is Danny G‘s Harmonica Party
July 6, 7, & 8 is Danny G‘s Harmonica Party
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Jim Rumbaugh
1395 posts
Jun 25, 2023
5:02 PM
July 6, 7, & 8 is Danny G‘s party in North Benton Ohio
21746 North Benton West Road - North Benton, Ohio

It is a free no cost Harmonica event.
There will be food and free camping.

Danny G is the USA importer for Easttop Harmonicas. Talk to him about Easttop.

On Saturday the Ohio State Harmonica championship is held. There will be a cash prize, and there is no cost to enter.

You will find both chromatic and diatonic harmonica players at this event. It is a true celebration of all styles of harmonica playing.

I personally will be there Friday and Saturday with my camper. I hope to see you there and play some blues music with some of you
theharmonicaclub.com (of Huntington, WV)

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Modern Blues Harmonica supports

§The Jazz Foundation of America


§The Innocence Project




ADAM GUSSOW is an official endorser for HOHNER HARMONICAS