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valves and windsavers.
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113 posts
Feb 18, 2010
1:50 PM
i don't know what the difference is.
i took the valves off the suzuki 350 and unfortunately threw them away.
i'd like to replace the valves.if i can find somewhere i can buy them ,i will.failing that,i'll canibalize one of my chromatics that i never use.
i've decided to use nail polish to secure them,or if there is something out there better,i'd be happy to hear about it.
apologies if there has been a thread on this subject already.
i've had a look but can't see what i'm looking for.
737 posts
Feb 18, 2010
1:59 PM
there is no difference between the two. you CAN get valves/w-savers in different materials though. search forum archives for lot's of info.
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9 posts
Feb 18, 2010
3:12 PM
I would recommend you try "Loctite Easy Squeeze Super Glue Gel" instead of nail polish. Be sure to get the "Gel".

I found it extremely easy to work with and I never had a valve fall off. You can leave the gel out on a plastic tray or piece of thick paper for long enough to finish valving the entire harp. I use a toothpick to apply just the right amount (instead of pushing the glue directly onto the reedplate, which is bad news). Be extra careful: don't let the glue touch the reed slot. Good luck!
148 posts
Feb 18, 2010
5:08 PM
Save your nail polish. Order some half valved Suzuki reed plates from Rockin' Ron's
64 posts
Feb 18, 2010
5:12 PM
Betty Romel makes and sells self-sticking valves. No gluing. They work great.


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