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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Getting a harmonica player to talk...
Getting a harmonica player to talk...
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9998 posts
Nov 06, 2018
3:38 PM
Q- How do you get a harmonica player to talk about a harmonica?

A- Take the duct tape off his mouth.

Q- How do you get a harmonica player to stop talking about harmonica?

Wrong Answer- Put the duct tape back on their mouth. That will only slow them down a bit. Usually you'll have to drown them.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
178 posts
Nov 14, 2018
1:54 PM
From the title I really thought this was going in a different direction, but why not...

Q- How do you get a harmonica player to stop talking about harmonica's?

A- Easy shove a harmonica in their mouth.

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