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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Forum access from mobile - connection issue
Forum access from mobile - connection issue
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442 posts
Nov 02, 2018
2:48 PM
I am unable to access this website & forum through phone anymore. I have a Galaxy Note 9 and I am on the Virgin network, does anyone know what the issue could be?

It was working fine until sometime last week and I can still connect through WiFi.

The page doesn't load and then I get a website saying that this page is not working.
9991 posts
Nov 02, 2018
3:25 PM
Where are you using the phone? Our server hosts block a lot of area near the Russian border and China because of spam. Sometimes that's the issue. (Probably not if you are in Belfast though!)

It's also possible that your individual IP address has been blocked.

In either case, unless someone else has some suggestions (there is a possibility it's a problem on your end, but it is probably our end) we have to do some digging. It's been a while since we had an issue with a cellphone. There is a little file that the hosts provided us with that traces all the steps your computer/phone is taking to get to us so we can figure out where it is hung up, but I'm not sure we have an android version of it.

Email me at the membership at modernbluesharmonica dot com address and I'll start a ticket to see if we can't get it fixed for you.

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