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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Can anyone tell what notes Shakira is playing?
Can anyone tell what notes Shakira is playing?
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1 post
May 09, 2018
4:13 PM
In a 1997 Brazilian interview, Shakira is asked to play a song on her harmonica. At minute 3:24, she says she will play "Piano Man" by Billie Joel, but that isn't indeed the original version of the song. It seems to me that she's playing the version that has no chords, but I'm not too sure.

I was able to identify the initial notes in the key of C:

6 -6 6... 5 -5 5 -5 4...

I need to know the rest. I will be performing this version very soon. Can anyone identify the notes Shakira's playing?

Here's the Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgN7cw1zE1k
2 posts
May 09, 2018
4:15 PM
Thanks in advance! BTW, I'm new to this site :)
9839 posts
May 09, 2018
9:25 PM

It sounds like she was trying to get the normal harmonica part but just not doing it well. That slide at the beginning might have been her trying where to start more than actually trying to play the song. She's doing some chords. Normally the part plays chords of course, but it follows the melody pretty closely. She missed some beats in there too, at least compared to the original. At least I can embed the video for you. I could work out more of exactly what she is doing but it's after midnight and my neighbor sleeps right above my living room!

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First Post- May 8, 2009
927 posts
May 09, 2018
9:55 PM
Don't play that version bro, it will sound TERRIBLE!!!!!
........but in true harmonica fashion, even complete shite seems to get the crowd frenzied and excited, almost as if a baby chimp tried playing a tune.
165 posts
May 12, 2018
8:55 AM
LawRam, I would not recommend Shakira as a harmonica teacher.

If you want to learn the Piano Man riff - Tomlin shows you the basics below.

6 posts
May 12, 2018
11:28 AM
@AppalachiaBlues, thank you for your feedback. I've been following Tomlin for a while, and I think he's excellent at conveying the basics of the harmonica. However, I'm particularly interested in learning Shakira's version because it sounds more authentic compared to the original version. It was kind of hard for me to believe that she was playing Piano Man. I think she's just playing her interpretation of the song. That's something I'd like to do as well.
929 posts
May 12, 2018
4:03 PM
Shakira wasn't playing "Piano Man" but rather "total and complete train-wreck" blues ;)
1758 posts
May 13, 2018
9:53 AM
I think that playing your own interpretation of a song is a valid approach and can help develop your ear. I am OK with Shakira doing her own thing interpreting "Piano Man". However, she is not on TV due to her great harp playing. She is a vocal performer/star, and that is her strength.

I would suggest not emulating the efforts of harmonica amateurs (even if they sing well) who have not captured any part or very little of the original song in their rendition.

If you are asking MBH members for specific notes in a harmonica performance, find a masterful harmonica performance to study and learn play note for note. Better yet, figure them out for yourself through trial and error. It is work that will benefit your playing in the future.

If you want to play your own interpretation of a song, listen to the original and then play YOUR own interpretation, not an interpretation of an unskilled interpretation of a song.

Doug S.
2480 posts
May 15, 2018
9:29 AM
Here is the video cued to the harp bit.
She might not be Michel Adler, but she is also not inexperienced--I am pretty sure she is getting the sound she is after. Check out that fast breath vibrato.
Not my style, but there is more evidence of her harp performances online--she's not shy about it.
Let the girl blow her horn, people, what's the big deal.

Last Edited by Gnarly on May 15, 2018 9:31 AM

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