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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > wall doxey cabin share
wall doxey cabin share
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3133 posts
Mar 30, 2018
7:50 AM
I have cabin at wall doxey booked from may 17-21 for HCH.....so far one person sharing room for one or possibly 2 more.....my email is on profile for message
1587 posts
Mar 31, 2018
7:05 AM
Hey there, I'm not sure some people looking for a great deal like this will recognize the title. I know the suggestion is in the announcement info. I didn't want to camp without electricity and the ticket gets pretty pricey doing a hotel. I found a cabin too (single) but it was the last one.
3134 posts
Mar 31, 2018
8:16 AM
its for hill country harmonica 2018 and its 4 miles north of foxfire ranch....Im bringing air mattress like I did in 2012......that leaves one bed still open but another occupant can rough it like myself......
9795 posts
Mar 31, 2018
9:49 AM
I just can't seem to pull the trigger. I'm so used to something breaking the minute I spend money on something that even when I put money aside for things I end up not doing them.

Have fun at the ranch. I'm sure you'll find a taker. If you want, I can change the title for you to something clearer to get more people in the thread.

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First Post- May 8, 2009
3135 posts
Mar 31, 2018
2:53 PM
well Im on social security and pension with back up safety net.......but this event was very doable
Thievin' Heathen
988 posts
Apr 01, 2018
10:20 AM
No doxeys, no doneys. She put it in the contract.
9800 posts
Apr 01, 2018
9:28 PM
Can't figure a way to get down there for under $400. My car is a little city car. It would be no good for a trip like that. Other local family swaps don't work right now. My brother's van would never make it. My mother has 3 cars right now... the Tacoma would drink all the gas between here and there, the VW is off the road and she needs the Prius since she screwed up her shoulder. It's the only one that isn't a standard.

Oh well. I'll keep looking.

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First Post- May 8, 2009

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