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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Why we don't talk politics
Why we don't talk politics
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9778 posts
Mar 25, 2018
12:02 PM
Different countries treat people differently. Personally I support the general rules laid out in the U.N. Charter of Human Rights. Most, if not all, countries fall short in one way or another. The shortcomings of the governments are not under the control of every member of the society though, and I believe that in general cultural exchange helps make the world a better place.

I am not suggesting that people flock to events in countries that have values that they do not agree with (or states, for that matter) but I think it's important to draw a distinction between the people and the government.

If you have to share an opinion on the matter... if you can't hold your tongue, remember the forum guidelines. Iran does not give women as many rights as I think most of us believe they should. I'd argue that that is not universal to Iran. Every nation struggles with that, including the United States. If you want to have a debate on that, take it to another forum.

There is also a difference between political differences and outright racist remarks. I can give warnings on political comments if they are one offs. Racist remarks, on the other hand,...

So, with that in mind, the following offenders are on suspension...


And one warning...

I'll let people know when the suspensions are up.

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