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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > customisation question
customisation question
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40 posts
Feb 08, 2018
11:22 PM
OK guys,as I understand it when I overblow the sound comes from the draw reed,so does this mean when you overdraw the sound comes from the blow reed?anyway this leads me to my question as my only customization techniques is to alter the gaping,if I want to improve my chances of maybe one day hitting an overdraw,by the way I want alter a marine band in the key of d...should i (remember for overdraw,)alter the draw reeds or the blow reeds,any advice would be welcomed,oh and by the way why do I never see johnny mars mentioned on this site when talking about greats of modern times....
5251 posts
Feb 09, 2018
3:09 AM
2. I’d say both. You really need balance between both reeds in the chamber.
3. Dunno. I agree he doesn’t get a lot of coverage but I think he is in the mix. At least he doesn’t get bagged all the time. There are plenty of good current players who don’t get discussed much. Maybe you could start a Johnny Mars appreciation thread. I know plenty people here rate him.
4. Congratulations
41 posts
Feb 09, 2018
4:32 AM
OK thanks for the response to my questions, now the tricky part of gapping without breaking my new harp,however thanks for the congratulations also what for though I'm not sure...
John M G
191 posts
Feb 09, 2018
5:00 AM
I took a look at Johnny Mars, he was totally new to me and liked a lot of what I heard. Thanks for the heads up.
9743 posts
Feb 09, 2018
2:35 PM
I actually reached out to Johnny Mars recently. There was a great video of him playing with 3 other harp players in a promo for some event and know one could figure out who the last harp player was. He got back to me, but he couldn't remember either. Very friendly though. :)

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First Post- May 8, 2009
42 posts
Feb 15, 2018
5:38 AM
maybe it was me

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