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Is my harmonica broken? Newbie in need of help
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1 post
Sep 16, 2017
11:09 AM
I bought a Hohner Marine Band about a week ago, and all is going well with starting to learn it except I'm having a bit of trouble with the 6 and 7 holes. I'm 99% sure it's probably just my embochure and I need to keep working at it, but I don't seem to recall having any problems with them when I first got it, so wanted to check whether there was a blockage or some other problem. Could well have just been that I got lucky when I first got it and managed to get some decent sounds out of those holes, but just wanted to double check in case. I have a recording of the 7 hole here:


and the 6 hole here:


Any advice greatly appreciated.


2026 posts
Sep 16, 2017
2:43 PM
It does not take much to stop a reed from sounding, a hair or food particle are common culprits. I can't access you sound files but I can tell you that the higher holed seem to clog more often. Sometimes inhaling and exhaleing in quick succession wil clear the reed (you mak end up with the offending particle in you mouth though) I have aldo found a quick rinse followed by tapping the water out of the holes into the palm of my hand will sometimes clear the obstruction and restore the sound.If those methods don't work, surgery will be required. There are a lot of resources on line on how to do this. There are also a lot of skilled techs around you can send your harp to if you don't want to try it yourself.
2350 posts
Sep 16, 2017
2:55 PM
STME is on track there. I did listen to your hole 7 file. To me it sounds like you start out good but perhaps you try to put too much air over that reed and it stalls.
If you have been playing a week you have a lot yet to discover. Most of my early development was just making a harp do whatever it would. I blew out some reeds along the way and in that time there were no replacement reed plate harps.
Use only enough breath to make the reed sound and see if that helps.

Our host Adam Gussow here has many resources for the beginning player on up. You may want to take advantage of that as well.



4972 posts
Sep 16, 2017
3:19 PM
I'm gonna try and turn those into links but I have to type a few lines first in the hope the filter doesn't grab them and send them off to a dark place from where only Nate can rescue them.

That should be enough. Here is hole 6.
hole 6

I'll have to edit the post to do hole 7 but I'll do that asap

Ok, here is hole 7

hole 7

Last Edited by SuperBee on Sep 16, 2017 3:21 PM

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