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od escape me...
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31 posts
Aug 10, 2017
6:57 AM
Hi everyone, I have no problem achieving overblows after watching a jason videos some years back regarding the technique needed ie draw bend then exhale which worked immediately.... However overdraws I find a whole new ball game, I saw a video by Ronnie shellick (sorry for the spelling) regarding improving blow bends and the advice he gave was to place your tongue behind your lower teeth and again found this excellent advice if you want to blow bend the top three holes although I don't always use this technique it's not ultimately necessary... My point is for those who can overdraw is this the mouth position needed to create an overdraw as this would be the opposite of what you do during an overblow which makes sense, obviously I have tried and still nothing bear in mind my harps are sootb....
The Iceman
3317 posts
Aug 10, 2017
7:48 AM
My approach has evolved into one very efficient approach to the concept of bending that sets a base line on which to fine tune all notes created through bend technique.

I begin by suggesting the student imagine putting a drop of super glue on the tip of the tongue and then touching it to the inside of the lower teeth, where the teeth meet the gums. It remains there while the rest of the tongue is free to arc up towards the roof of the mouth and move that arc forwards and backwards, searching for that ultimate sweet spot for each available bend.

High end exhale bends as well as those OD focuses on the "spots" that are towards the front of the mouth, an area I may describe as the "T" spot.

Using this as a beginning template for all bends gives you good control and a place to start to refine your placement.
The Iceman
Blind Melon
87 posts
Aug 11, 2017
6:23 AM
Iceman, is there a particular brand of super glue that you recommend? Too many choices... :)

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