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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > Favorite Old Time / Vamping Hamronica Brand / Mode
Favorite Old Time / Vamping Hamronica Brand / Mode
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1 post
Jul 20, 2017
9:52 AM
I know this is a blues forum, but if anyone plays Old Time songs (think old Joe Clark or boil them cabbage down), do you have your favorite harmoncia that sounds good for playing melodies and doing lots of quick tonguework like vamping and tongue slaps.
269 posts
Jul 21, 2017
7:12 AM
For folk songs unaccompanied, Marine Bands are pretty standard as far as 10-hole diatonics are concerned. Soundwise they are ideal, nice and bright.

I see a lot of harp rack-and-guitar players use Special 20s, or more recently, Manjis.

If you play a lot of fast single notes in G or A though, a 10-hole can feel a bit sluggish on the low end. Solo-tuned tremolo diatonics respond much faster and louder. They are very bright, too bright for many players (and listeners!). It takes some work on one's embouchure to get a tolerable tone.

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